
Students must complete a total of 30 credit hours for the M.Ed. in Behavior Analysis:

  • 21 credits of core requirements
  • 6 credits of electives
  • 3 credits of a diversity requirement
Dr. Lee Kern

“We encourage adjuncts and faculty to create a variety of assignments and activities. It can be difficult to be online and have no interaction. We encourage our educators to do a variety of activities beyond the video and lecture.”

Dr. Lee Kern, Professor and Director of the Center for Promoting Research to Practice

Course Format

The online curriculum features on-demand lecture videos that students can view on their own schedule.

Course Descriptions

This course examines the core concepts of applied behavior analysis. Principles describing the influence of environmental events on behavior change and strategies that can be applied to make behavior change socially meaningful in school, home and community settings will also be covered. Topics include respondent and operant conditioning, reinforcement, punishment, extinction, stimulus discrimination, motivation operations, verbal behavior and imitation and observational learning.

This course is designed to provide students an in-depth review of the BACB Professional and Ethics Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts and other relevant content and readings that further support student understanding of the topic area. Class discussions, review of case studies and student-led small group problem-solving activities will enable students to apply ethical and professional standards to their work, further promoting quality interactions between the children and adults they serve, families, teachers and other stakeholders.

This course provides an introduction to organizational behavior management (OBM). Students will learn how to assess work environments and implement function-based antecedent and consequent interventions with the goal of improving employee performance and business outcomes. Topics include performance analysis and management, supervision, staff training, behavioral systems analysis, organizational culture and leadership. Through a review of relevant literature and case studies, students will learn how to approach complex ethical scenarios and promote a diverse, equitable and inclusive organizational culture.

This course will examine the field of human and animal learning, including operant and classical conditioning. The history and evolution of psychology and the science of behavior will be discussed. The course will provide a foundation for understanding the behaviorism of B. F. Skinner. In addition, the course will describe current applications of applied behavior analysis.

This course focuses on research methods in behavior analysis. Students will develop operational definitions and identify data collection methods. Students will learn basic single-case experimental designs and how to assess internal and external validity. Students will analyze and interpret graphic data. Students will understand treatment integrity and social validity. Students will summarize and critically evaluate single-case-design research studies. Finally, students will describe ethical conduct in conducting research in school, home and community settings to improve life quality.

This course focuses on behavior assessment. It covers descriptive and functional assessment of problematic behavior as well as functional analysis. Students learn to conduct record review, determine the need for behavior analytic services, select socially significant behavior-change goals and conduct skill and preference assessment. Through case studies, students learn to describe the common functions of behavior. Examples of multi-disciplinary applications of behavior assessment are presented.

This course teaches the application of behavior analytic principles across varied child, adult and health contexts. Training is provided for procedures such as reinforcement, punishment, motivating operations, modeling, stimulus control, rules, shaping and chaining. Students explore methods for teaching simple to complex repertoires using discrete trials, Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior, group contingencies, self-management and strategies to maintain and generalize behavior. Topics include behavior change applications from a range of subject-matter experts across multiple uses of applied behavior analysis.

Diversity Course (Choose One)

All teachers need to gain an understanding of how to support culturally and linguistically diverse students, particularly multilingual learners (MLs). This course explores the systemic disadvantage and bias that MLs experience in the school system. It will offer best practices and concrete strategies that teachers can implement to challenge systemic disadvantages MLs face in classrooms and schools. With the understanding that students have complex identities and needs, throughout the course the heterogeneity of culturally and linguistically diverse students will be emphasized.

This course examines the influence of culture, gender and disabilities on behavior and attitudes. Historical and current perspectives on race, culture, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity diversity and minority group issues in education and psychology will also be explored.


This course addresses tiered models of prevention and support and includes design of comprehensive, multi-component behavior support plans for individuals with a variety of disabilities who engage in problem behavior. Functional assessment and evidence-based interventions are emphasized. Assessment focuses on the link between curriculum, academic performance and behavior problems. The course addresses mental health challenges, the role of various school-based professionals and collaboration across agencies and promotes consideration of diverse populations for understanding behavioral differences. Strategies for ongoing monitoring and maintenance of behavior reductions are also explored.

This course addresses curricular and instructional methods for students with pervasive support needs (e.g., intellectual disabilities, autism) who follow an alternative or modified curriculum. Methods for developing an individualized curriculum, embedding instruction and accessing the general education curriculum, systematic instruction and instruction for full participation in school, home and community settings are covered. Strategies for facilitating emergent social and communication skills, teaching augmentative and alternative communication and use of assistive technologies to enhance self-directed learning are included.

Request Information

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