
This 30-credit M.Ed. in Educational Leadership (K-12) can be completed while maintaining full-time employment, and students can choose an online synchronous or hybrid option. The coursework may include lecture videos that can be viewed at your own pace and synchronous sessions that provide an opportunity for real-time interaction with your faculty and peers and will vary by course. The vibrant in-class discussions and engaging assignments ensure that your classes are as enjoyable as they are rigorous.

Craig Hochbein

“The type of assignments you’ll find in our classes combine academic evidence with the realities of school operations. Our goal is to help leaders produce the best possible outcomes for students, educators, schools, and communities.”

Craig Hochbein, associate professor, M.Ed. in Educational Leadership

Principal Certification Program

Students of the master’s program have the option to work toward their Pennsylvania Principal Certification by taking an additional 10 credit hours. The Principal Certification program features two internships taken alongside two principalship courses. Students are able to accrue internship hours while they continue to work at their full-time jobs.

To enroll in the Principal Certification program, students must reside in the state of Pennsylvania and complete their coursework on campus. Students who do not reside in Pennsylvania, but are interested in principal certification, should review their state’s requirements.

Course Descriptions

Basic principles of research; techniques of gathering and analyzing data; design of studies in education. Emphasis on critical reviews of research reports representing various methodologies. Research report required.

Examination of the influence of culture, gender and disabilities on behavior and attitudes. Historical and current perspectives on race, culture, gender and minority group issues in education and psychology. Lecture/small group discussion. Course is restricted to graduate students in the College of Education only.

Theory development relating to individuals and organizations emphasizing leadership, decision-making, motivation and change. Analysis of existing leadership approaches focusing on demonstrating the application theories to administrative practice.

Theory, research and processes associated with the design and management of school curriculum; implementation of effective instructional and assessment practices enhancing student learning. School leader’s role in designing and implementing a comprehensive school improvement process, and using data to guide curriculum, instruction and assessment programs.

Skills, competencies and best practices of instructional leadership and student achievement. Includes framing and communicating school goals dealing with student learning, supervising and evaluating instructional practices, coordinating the curriculum to student outcomes, monitoring student progress, creating a professional learning community and engaging in reflective practice as a school leader.

Issues facing school administrators as they develop and implement plans to address the needs of all students in their schools and districts. Addresses administrators’ obligations for the development and monitoring of Individualized Education Programs for children and youth with disabilities as well as other duties encumbered by administrators.

Exploration of the development and practice of leadership with experiential opportunities for application. Formal and informal authority, the practice of leadership and individual and organizational dynamics are explored to improve the understanding of adaptive work in organizations.

Emphasis on establishing skills in human resource management and supervision, including staff selection, supervision models, assessment and feedback methods, managing a diverse workforce and adult development related to professional growth options. This course is designed specifically for individuals enrolled in a supervisory certification program.

Theoretical and practical foundation in school resource allocation. Trends in revenue and expenditures, staffing and operations are explored. The economics of education and school business administration are discussed in terms of the policies they affect and create.

Examination of legal and ethical issues in effective leadership in the public schools, including awareness, analysis and applications of judicial interpretations of the constitutions, statutes, regulations and common law relating to educational issues.

Additional courses needed for PA principal certification (10 credits)

Roles, responsibilities and operational tasks of principals in the first half of the school year; engagement in practical application of the knowledge, theories, systems and processes with an emphasis on fall semester responsibilities. Focus on applying the skills and knowledge of the course using problem-based learning experiences drawn directly from internship. Must be completed during Principal Internship I.

Roles, responsibilities and operational tasks of principals in the second half of the school year; engagement in practical application of the knowledge, theories, systems and processes with an emphasis on budgeting, state testing requirements and closing the school down in the summer. Focus on applying the skills and knowledge of the course using problem-based learning experiences drawn directly from the internship. Must be completed during Principal Internship II.

Practical experiences in meeting the challenges inherent in the principal positions during the first half of the school year. Emphasis on data-based decision making, instructional leadership, and day to day operations. Must be completed with The Principalship I.

Practical experiences in meeting the challenges inherent in the principal positions during the second half of the school year. Emphasis on data-based decision making, instructional leadership, and day to day operations. Must be completed with The Principalship II.

Request Information

To learn more about the online M.Ed. in Educational Leadership (K-12) at Lehigh University College of Education and download a brochure, please fill out the form. You can also talk one-on-one with an enrollment specialist directly by calling (866) 760-8978 (toll-free) or emailing us at

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